Featured Videos

thumbnail into the heart of the fire 298 233 s c1

Credit: National Geographic TV

Into the Heart of a Fire

This video was filmed by BBC for a European series titled "How Earth Made Us". It was distributed in the US by National Geographic TV. The video features Newtex's NXP 2000 Series Fire Entry Suit.

the temperature is newtex 298 233 s c1

Credit: Newtex

The Temperature is Newtex

For over 45 years, Newtex has set the standard for high temperature textiles and engineered solutions for thermal management and fire protection. Learn about our Performance Materials, Engineered Systems, and Extreme Protective Apparel.

volcano diver 298 233 s c1

Credit: Sam Cossman

The Volcano Diver

Sam Cossman, the "Volcano Diver", wore Newtex's X30 Proximity Suit to protect himself from lava splash and extreme temperatures while venturing further into the Marum Crater than any man before him.

whec tv 298 233 s c1

Credit: Brett Davidsen, WHEC-TV, LLC

Small Business Spotlight

Take a tour of Newtex's Victor, New York headquarters with CEO Jerry Joliet and WHEC TV's Brett Davidsen. This Small Business Spotlight segment aired on Rochester's WHEC TV on February 20, 2019

productvideo thumb fire containment cover box burn test 298 233 s c1

Credit: Newtex

FCC Box Burn Test

The FireCape Fire Containment Cover successfully completed 6 hours of live fire testing to meet the SAE AS 6453 and ISO 14186:2013 standards. The FireCape Fire Containment Cover earned TSO-C203 Approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in October 2016.

featured video zflex silver thumb 298 233 s c1

Credit: Newtex

The Future of Proximity Gear

This video illustrates how Z-Flex Silver provides greater protection than structural firefighting gear and protects for longer than the leading competitive proximity outer shell.

carnival julia 22 298 233 s c1

Credit: Two Bit Circus and ToyShoppe Systems

Dunk Tank Flambé

We teamed up with Two Bit Circus last year as part of their 2014 STEAM Carnival to support a spectacular, reimagined experience that showcased the raw power and creativity of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, art, and math. This spectacle is the Dunk Tank Flambé.

thumbnail nxp 750 suit 298 233 s c1

Credit: BBC

BBC “How to Grow a Planet”

Iain Stewart braves a grass fire wearing an NXP 750 suit. Filmed by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) in South Africa.

featured video zetexplus thumb 298 233 s c1

Credit: Newtex

ZetexPlus Fabric

See ZetexPlus® in action. The vermiculite coated texturized fiberglass can tolerate temperatures up to 2000°F (1095°C).

thumbnail nxp 2000 suit 298 233 s c1

Credit: The Learning Channel

2000 & 3000 Fire Entry Suits

Newtex's NXP 2000 and 3000 Series Suits are designed to provide the ultimate protection from flashover and engulfment.