Newtex’s custom-made proscenium fire containment curtain is used for fire safety in theaters, school auditoriums, and other public performance areas. Most city and state-mandated building codes require the use of proscenium fire containment curtains, which are lowered in the event of a fire on stage to protect the audience from smoke and flames as the area is evacuated. Fabricated from ZetexPlus® Vermiculite Coated Fiberglass Fabric, the ZetexPlus® Proscenium Fire Containment Curtain has been tested to ensure they exceed nationally recognized fire codes. They are listed and approved by the California State Fire Marshal's Office and the New York City Department of Buildings.

Proscenium Fire Curtains
Proscenium fire containment curtains are used for fire safety in theaters and auditoriums
Brail Type
This accordion-folded fire containment curtain is used when the space above the proscenium is half or less than the height of the proscenium opening. Brail proscenium curtains are folded accordion style and stored above the proscenium.
Straight Lift
These simple fire containment curtains feature an unfolded design that can be used when the space above the proscenium is at least twice the height of the proscenium opening. Straight lift proscenium curtains are stored straight (without folds) above the proscenium.
Frame Curtain
NewTex Proscenium Fire Containment Frame Curtains for Auditoriums blend theatrical elegance with top-tier fire protection, ensuring both a captivating ambiance and paramount safety for large audience spaces.